
Clearing the Backup Plan Cache

Arq keeps an internal database for active backup plans which it uses to reduce the number of times it has to query the storage location during a backup activity, and to facilitate searching.

If there’s a discrepancy between Arq’s database and the actual files at the storage location, click on the backup plan on the left in the main window; then pick “Clear Cache” from Arq’s Backup Plan menu. Arq will recreate its internal database by querying the storage location.

Clearing the Storage Location Cache

Arq keeps an internal cache of “IDs” of folders for storage locations that require accessing folders by ID rather than path. These include Amazon Drive, B2 and Google Drive.

If the IDs in Arq’s database are out of sync with the data at the storage location (e.g. if you moved or renamed a folder outside of Arq), click on the storage location on the left in the main window; then click the “Clear Cache” button on the right. Arq will retrieve the current information from the storage location.

Reinstall on macOS

To uninstall Arq completely on macOS, launch Arq, pick Uninstall from the menu, check the “Also delete configuration files” checkbox, and click Uninstall.

If the Uninstall menu option isn’t available, uninstall Arq manually.

Create a script in your home directory:


killall Arq
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.haystacksoftware.ArqMonitor.plist
/bin/rm -f /Library/LaunchAgents/com.haystacksoftware.ArqMonitor.plist
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.haystacksoftware.arqagent.plist
sudo /bin/rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.haystacksoftware.arqagent.plist
/bin/rm -rf /Applications/
/bin/rm -rf /Library/Logs/ArqAgent
/bin/rm -rf "~/Library/Application Support/Arq"
/bin/rm -rf "/Library/Application Support/ArqAgent"

Run the script from Terminal:

sudo /bin/bash ~/

Reinstall on Windows

To uninstall Arq completely on Windows, open the Windows Add or Remove Programs panel, select Arq and click the button to remove it. Then delete the folder C:\ProgramData\ArqAgent.