Arq 7 Pricing FAQ
Where can I purchase Arq 7?
To purchase an Arq 7 license, go to
- When you purchase Arq 7, you keep the app you bought forever.
- You also receive one free year of app updates.
How much do additional updates cost after the first year?
After your first year of updates, you can subscribe to additional years of updates at $25 USD per year per computer ($40 for the family pack).
- You’ll get bug fixes and new features the moment they’re finished.
- You can do this at time of Arq 7 license purchase, or at any point in the future.
- Your card won’t be charged for updates until your next year of updates begins.
Is there a discount for Arq 5 or Arq 6 licenses?
Yes. In fact, Arq 6 licenses are upgraded to Arq 7 for free – just install Arq 7 with your Arq 6 license code and Arq 7 will upgrade it for you.
All Arq 5 licensees were sent an email with a link to receive discount pricing on Arq 7. We also offerred it at our web store for several weeks after launch.
Is there a student discount available?
Not right now. We’re looking into it.
Why is Arq 7 being sold this way?
Since 2009 we’ve been selling Arq licenses with free minor updates and paid major upgrades (Arq 2, Arq 3, Arq 4, Arq 5, Arq 6).
We’ve always wanted to just add features as soon as they’re done, but we had to hold back new features to roll them into paid major upgrades. With Arq 7, we can release new features the moment they’re done.
Isn’t this more expensive than previous Arq updates?
No. In fact it’s just like previous Arq updates if you opt out of auto-renew and purchase an upgrade whenever you decide it’s time.
If you opt in to auto-renew, you’ll be charged $25 per computer ($40 for the family pack) after each 12-month period, and you’ll be supporting our ongoing development efforts (thanks!).
Can I purchase additional updates later?
Yes. There’s no penalty if you opt out of auto-renew and later choose to purchase another year of updates when it makes sense for you, no matter how much later that is. If you want to wait until there’s a feature you want, that’s fine.
I don’t want additional updates. Will I be nagged?
No. If you don’t want to pay for additional updates, you can uncheck a checkbox in Arq’s preferences and you won’t receive notifications after your 12 months of free updates has ended.
Where do I manage my auto-renew setting?
Log into and you can sign up for or cancel auto-renewal.
What if I’m experiencing a problem with Arq 7?
Email us at We’ll do everything we can to make it right, as we always have for the past 12+ years. We’ll do everything we can to make it right whether your 12-month updates window has expired or not.
What if an OS update breaks my copy of Arq 7?
No app is guaranteed to work forever, but Arq 7 for macOS is Big Sur- and Monterey-compatible and runs natively on Apple Silicon as well as Intel, and Arq 7 for Windows is compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 11. So we think your copy of Arq 7 will continue to work for a very long time. If it does eventually break due to an unexpected change in the OS, you can decide whether you want to purchase the latest version.
Are refunds possible?
We can refund most purchases provided you email within 90 days of purchasing the app. Please tell us the email address you used for the purchase.
I don’t have a credit/debit card. Can I use PayPal?
We don’t have support for PayPal.
What about the Mac App Store?
We’ve never offered Arq on the Mac App Store and have no plans to do so in the future.
Can I try before I buy?
Yes. When you install Arq 7 you can choose the start-free-trial option and use it free for 30 days with no limits.
Can I use my Arq 7 license on multiple computers?
Arq 7 is a per-computer license. You can purchase an Arq 7 license for multiple computers; if you enter a quantity > 1, a discount will automatically be applied.
What does “non-commercial use” mean for the family pack?
If a company is purchasing the license, the family pack option is not available.