arqc command-line utility

Arq includes a command-line utility you can use to configure things and retrieve status information. On macOS it’s located at


On Windows it’s located at

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arq 7\arqcExe\arqc.exe


arqc acceptLicenseAgreement

Accept Arq’s license agreement (required before using Arq).

arqc activateLicense

Activate the Arq 7 or Arq Pro license code.

arqc refreshLicense

Refresh the current license information.

arqc deactivateLicense

Deactivate the license activation.

arqc setAppPassword

Set the password for accessing Arq.

arqc listBackupPlans

List the active backup plans, including UUID, name and storage location.

arqc latestBackupActivityLog

Print the activity log for the latest backup activity for the given backup plan UUID.

arqc latestBackupActivityJSON

Print the metadata of the latest backup activity for the given backup plan UUID, in JSON form.

arqc startBackupPlan

Start the backup plan matching the UUID.

arqc stopBackupPlan

Stop (abort) the backup plan matching the UUID.

arqc pauseBackups

Pause all backup activity for the given number of minutes.

arqc resumeBackups

Resume previously paused in-progress and scheduled backup activity before the pause-resume-date.