Data Format

Arq 7 stores your backup data in de-duplicated, compressed, (optionally) encrypted, content-addressable form.

A “backup set” is a set of files created by a “backup plan”. It contains:


This file tells Arq how objects are to be added to the backup set – whether the data are encrypted, what kind of hashing mechanism to use, what maximum size to use for packing small files together, etc.

Here’s a sample backupconfig.json file:

  "blobIdentifierType" : 2, /* 1=SHA1, 2=SHA256 */
  "maxPackedItemLength" : 256000,
  "backupName" : "Back up to NAS",
  "isWORM" : false, /* unused */
  "containsGlacierArchives" : false,
  "additionalUnpackedBlobDirs" : [], /* if reused Arq 5 data, contains e.g. 'objects', or 'objects2' */
  "chunkerVersion" : 3, /* Arq uses the same chunker version to ensure de-duplication works with old data */
  "computerName" : "clack",
  "computerSerial" : "unused",
  "blobStorageClass" : "STANDARD", /* unused */
  "isEncrypted" : false


This file tells Arq where to find existing objects (for de-duplication).

  "standardObjectDirs" : [
  ], /* only used with S3 */
  "standardIAObjectDirs" : [
  ], /* only used with S3 */
  "onezoneIAObjectDirs" : [
  ], /* only used with S3 */
  "s3GlacierObjectDirs" : [
  ], /* only used with S3 */
  "s3DeepArchiveObjectDirs" : [
  ], /* only used with S3 */
  "importedFrom" : "5.x" /* only appears if backup set was originally created by Arq 5 */


For each folder specified in the backup plan, at backup time Arq creates a directory in backupfolders with a UUID as its name. Within that directory are a JSON file called ‘backupfolder.json’ describing the directory, and backup records. Here’s an example backupfolder.json file:


  "localPath" : "\/Users\/stefan",
  "migratedFromArq60" : false,
  "storageClass" : "STANDARD",
  "diskIdentifier" : "ROOT",
  "uuid" : "F1F83A27-E4EA-4994-BD9C-F63A682EBB80",
  "migratedFromArq5" : false,
  "localMountPoint" : "\/",
  "name" : "stefan"


Each backup record is stored with a name that is the number of seconds since the epoch. For example, 00161/4294169.backuprecord was created Thu Feb 25 18:02:49 2021.

The backup record file contains:

The file is stored LZ4-compressed and (optionally) encrypted.

Here’s an example:

    archived = 0;
    arqVersion = "";
    backupFolderUUID = "4297DBE8-DA5E-48EC-A1DB-0CDB47D7EE55";

    /* copy of the backup plan at the time of backup: */
    backupPlanJSON =     { 
        active = 1;
        arq5UseS3IA = 0;
        backupFolderPlansByUUID =         {
            "4297DBE8-DA5E-48EC-A1DB-0CDB47D7EE55" =             {
                allDrives = 0;
                backupFolderUUID = "4297DBE8-DA5E-48EC-A1DB-0CDB47D7EE55";
                blobStorageClass = STANDARD;
                diskIdentifier = "831954df-8078-4386-ba04-1fd663086298";
                excludedDrives =                 (
                ignoredRelativePaths =                 (
                localMountPoint = "/C";
                localPath = "/C/2files";
                name = 2files;
                regexExcludes =                 (
                relativePath = "/2files";
                skipDuringBackup = 0;
                skipIfNotMounted = 0;
                useDiskIdentifier = 0;
                wildcardExcludes =                 (
        cpuUsage = 25;
        creationTime = "1616935479.219";
        emailReportJSON =         {
            authenticationType = none;
            fromAddress = "";
            hostname = "";
            port = 587;
            startTLS = 0;
            subject = "";
            toAddress = "";
            type = custom;
            username = "";
            when = never;
        excludedNetworkInterfaces =         (
        excludedWiFiNetworkNames =         (
        id = 3;
        includeFileListInActivityLog = 0;
        includeNetworkInterfaces = 0;
        includeNewVolumes = 0;
        includeWiFiNetworks = 0;
        isEncrypted = 1;
        keepDeletedFiles = 0;
        name = "2files to Polycloud";
        needsArq5Buckets = 0;
        noBackupsAlertDays = 5;
        notifyOnError = 1;
        notifyOnSuccess = 0;
        pauseOnBattery = 0;
        planUUID = "1795F5BE-09F4-4133-BE83-2F4E7F7C3B75";
        preventSleep = 0;
        retainAll = 1;
        retainDays = 30;
        retainHours = 24;
        retainMonths = 60;
        retainWeeks = 52;
        scheduleJSON =         {
            daysOfWeek =             (
            everyHours = 1;
            minutesAfterHour = 0;
            pauseDuringWindow = 0;
            pauseFrom = "09:00";
            pauseTo = "17:00";
            startWhenVolumeIsConnected = 0;
            type = Hourly;
        storageLocationId = 7;
        threadCount = 2;
        transferRateJSON =         {
            daysOfWeek =             (
            enabled = 0;
            endTimeOfDay = "18:00";
            maxKBPS = 100;
            scheduleType = Scheduled;
            startTimeOfDay = "18:00";
        updateTime = "1616935522.744";
        useAPFSSnapshots = 1;
        useBuzhash = 0;
        version = 2;
        wakeForBackup = 0;
    backupPlanUUID = "1795F5BE-09F4-4133-BE83-2F4E7F7C3B75";
    computerOSType = 2;
    copiedFromCommit = 0;
    copiedFromSnapshot = 0;
    creationDate = 1616936407;
    diskIdentifier = "831954df-8078-4386-ba04-1fd663086298";
    errorCount = 0;
    isComplete = 1;
    localMountPoint = "/C";
    localPath = "/C/2files";

    /* the root "Node" of the file tree: */
    node =     {
        "changeTime_nsec" = 497677087;
        "changeTime_sec" = 1586539575;
        computerOSType = 2;
        containedFilesCount = 1;
        "creationTime_nsec" = 0;
        "creationTime_sec" = 0;
        dataBlobLocs =         (
        deleted = 0;
        isTree = 1;
        itemSize = 11288576;
        "mac_st_dev" = 0;
        "mac_st_flags" = 0;
        "mac_st_gid" = 0;
        "mac_st_ino" = 0;
        "mac_st_mode" = 0;
        "mac_st_nlink" = 0;
        "mac_st_rdev" = 0;
        "mac_st_uid" = 0;
        "modificationTime_nsec" = 510552406;
        "modificationTime_sec" = 1614600354;
        treeBlobLoc =         { 
            blobIdentifier = 151ff6a3dd0cd74b5854807598fd7cf6cd360abab8271784da07226a7451fed1;
            compressionType = 2;
            isPacked = 1;
            length = 356;
            offset = 0;
            relativePath = "/1795F5BE-09F4-4133-BE83-2F4E7F7C3B75/treepacks/49/24E24F-3E37-4B97-9218-BBFC3952CE26.pack";
            stretchEncryptionKey = 1;
        winAttrs = 0;
        xattrsBlobLocs =         (
    relativePath = "/1795F5BE-09F4-4133-BE83-2F4E7F7C3B75/backupfolders/4297DBE8-DA5E-48EC-A1DB-0CDB47D7EE55/backuprecords/00161/6936407.backuprecord";
    storageClass = STANDARD;
    version = 100;
    volumeName = "C:";

Each backup record is a Tree of Trees and Nodes mirroring the file structure that was backed up.

Backup Records Pointing to Arq 5 Data

If you’ve reused a backup set created by Arq 5 or older, Arq 7 created a backup record for each Arq 5 “commit”. It contains a “BlobKey” that refers to the root of the directory structure stored in the Arq 5 “commit”. See for more information about Arq 5 data.

Here’s an example:

    archived = 0;
    arq5BucketXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<plist version=\"1.0\">\n    <dict>\n        <key>Endpoint</key>\n        <string></string>\n        <key>BucketUUID</key>\n        <string>A39F38F8-6205-4F79-BD1D-8C2DC5CAFB25</string>\n        <key>BucketName</key>\n        <string>1 2 files</string>\n        <key>ComputerUUID</key>\n        <string>26CB6780-1E01-4B3E-BF22-983BC834D93D</string>\n        <key>LocalPath</key>\n        <string>/Users/stefan/backups/1 2 files</string>\n        <key>LocalMountPoint</key>\n        <string>/</string>\n        <key>StorageType</key>\n        <integer>1</integer>\n        <key>SkipDuringBackup</key>\n        <false></false>\n        <key>ExcludeItemsWithTimeMachineExcludeMetadataFlag</key>\n        <false></false>\n        <key>IgnoredRelativePaths</key>\n        <array></array>\n        <key>Excludes</key>\n        <dict>\n            <key>excludes</key>\n            <array></array>\n        </dict>\n        <key>SkipIfNotMounted</key>\n        <false></false>\n    </dict>\n</plist>";
    arq5TreeBlobKey =     {
        archiveSize = 0;
        compressionType = 2;
        sha1 = bf1a54fd9872cd8b45a8368ad4c5525180b43eee;
        storageType = 1;
        stretchEncryptionKey = 1;
    arqVersion = "";
    backupFolderUUID = "A39F38F8-6205-4F79-BD1D-8C2DC5CAFB25";
    backupPlanUUID = "26CB6780-1E01-4B3E-BF22-983BC834D93D";
    computerOSType = 1;
    copiedFromCommit = 1;
    copiedFromSnapshot = 0;
    creationDate = 1608889887;
    errorCount = 0;
    isComplete = 1;
    localPath = "/Users/stefan/backups/1 2 files";
    relativePath = "/26CB6780-1E01-4B3E-BF22-983BC834D93D/backupfolders/A39F38F8-6205-4F79-BD1D-8C2DC5CAFB25/backuprecords/00160/8889887.backuprecord";
    storageClass = STANDARD;
    version = 12;

Note on LZ4 Compression

Data described in this document as “LZ4-compressed” is stored as a 4-byte big-endian length followed by the compressed data in LZ4 block format.


A Node describes either a file or a directory. It’s stored as LZ4-compressed and (optionally) encrypted binary data in a “pack” file within the “treepacks” subdirectory of the backup set.

Directory Node

A Node describing a directory will contain a “treeBlobLoc” value that describes where to find the Tree data.

File Node

A Node describing a file will contain “dataBlobLocs” describe where to find the ordered list of “chunks” to needed to assemble the file.

Node Binary Format

This is Node’s data format:

    [BlobLoc:treeBlobLoc] /* present if isTree is true */
    ) /* repeat dataBlobLocsCount times */
    [BlobLoc:aclBlobLoc] /* present if aclBlobLocIsNotNil is true */
    ) /* repeat xattrsBlobLocsCount times */
    [UInt32:win_reparse_tag] /* if Tree version >= 2 */
    [Bool:win_reparse_point_is_directory] /* if Tree version >= 2 */


A Tree contains the metadata for a directory plus a set of child Nodes by name.

It’s stored as LZ4-compressed and (optionally) encrypted binary data in a “pack” file within the “treepacks” subdirectory of the backup set, just like a Node.

This is Tree’s data format:

    ) /* repeat childNodesByNameCount times: */


A “blob” is just a chunk of data stored either in a pack file (in the blobpacks or largeblobpacks subdirectory) or as a standalone file in the “standardobjects” (or “standardiaobjects” etc depending on the storage location type and storage class chosen).

A “blob” is LZ4-compressed, and optionally encrypted.


A “BlobLoc” is a simple structure that specifies the location and length of a Blob.

The “compressionType” value is always 2 (LZ4) for new data. For data reused from Arq 5, the value could be 0 (none) or 1 (Gzip).

The “stretchEncryptionKey” value is always 1 for new data. For very old data reused from previous versions of Arq, this value could be 0.

Encrypted Object

Any Backup Record, Tree, Node or Blob that’s encrypted has the following format:

header                              41 52 51 4f  ARQO
HMACSHA256                          xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx
master IV                           xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx
encrypted data IV + session key     xx xx xx xx (64 bytes)
ciphertext                          xx xx xx xx

To create an EncryptedObject:

  1. Generate a random 256-bit session key (Arq reuses it for up to 256 objects before replacing it).
  2. Generate a random “data IV”.
  3. Encrypt plaintext with AES/CBC and PKCS7 padding using session key and data IV.
  4. Generate a random “master IV”.
  5. Encrypt (data IV + session key) with AES/CBC using the first “master key” from the encryptedkeyset.dat file (see below)and the “master IV”.
  6. Calculate HMAC-SHA256 of (master IV + “encrypted data IV + session key” + ciphertext) using the second 256-bit “master key”.
  7. Assemble the data in the format shown above.

To get the plaintext:

  1. Calculate HMAC-SHA256 of (master IV + “encrypted data IV + session key” + ciphertext) and verify against HMAC-SHA256 in the file using the second “master key” from the encryptedkeyset.dat file.
  2. Ensure the calculated HMAC-SHA256 matches the value in the object header.
  3. Decrypt “encrypted data IV + session key” using the first “master key” from the encryptedkeyset.dat file and the “master IV”.
  4. Decrypt the ciphertext using the session key and data IV.

encryptedkeyset.dat file

This file contains keys for encrypting/decrypting and for creating object identifiers. It is encrypted with the encryption password you chose when you created the backup plan. If you later modified the encryption password for the backup plan, Arq rewrote encryptedkeyset.dat encrypted with that new password.

The plaintext format (not stored anywhere) is:

encryption version                  00 00 00 03
encryption key length               00 00 00 00
                                    00 00 00 40
encryption key                      xx xx xx xx 64 bytes
HMAC key length                     00 00 00 00
                                    00 00 00 40
HMAC key                            xx xx xx xx 64 bytes
blob identifier salt length         00 00 00 00
                                    00 00 00 40
blob identifier salt                xx xx xx xx 64 bytes

The encrypted format is:

header                              41 52 51 5f 45 4e 43 52   ARQ_ENCR 
                                    59 50 54 45 44 5f 4d 41   YPTED_MA
                                    53 54 45 52 5f 4b 45 59   STER_KEY
                                    53                        S
salt                                   xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
HMACSHA256                             xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
IV                                     xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
                                    xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
ciphertext                             xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

To decrypt encryptedkeyset.dat:

  1. Derive a 64-byte key from the encryption password using PBKDF2-SHA256, the salt, and 200,000 rounds.
  2. Calculate the HMACSHA256 of IV + ciphertext and verify it matches the value in the file.
  3. Decrypt the ciphertext using the derived key and the IV from the file.

Data Format Documentation Conventions

We used a few shortcuts in some of the data format explanations above:


A [BlobLoc] is stored as:

    [String:blobIdentifier] /* can't be null */


A [Bool] is stored as 1 byte, either 00 or 01.


A [String] is stored as:

    00 or 01    isNotNull flag

    if not null:

        00 00 00 00    8-byte network-byte-order length
        00 00 00 0c
        xx xx xx xx    UTF-8 string data
        xx xx xx xx
        xx xx xx xx


A [UInt32] is stored as:

        00 00 00 00     network-byte-order uint32_t


An [Int32] is stored as:

        00 00 00 00     network-byte-order int32_t


A [UInt64] is stored as:

        00 00 00 00     network-byte-order uint64_t
        00 00 00 00


An [Int64] is stored as:

        00 00 00 00     network-byte-order int64_t
        00 00 00 00